客厅 / Living Room——
一副趣味的涂鸦装饰画随意依靠墙边,增加出些许艺术氛围,使得底部空间充满诗意。去掉边几后自由属性进一步加强,结合意式极简沙发和同色的地毯,为纯粹的单色空间披上一层慵懒舒适的光晕。A fun graffiti decoration casually leaning against the wall adds a touch of artistic atmosphere, making the bottom space full of poetry. After removing the edges, the free attributes are further enhanced, combined with Italian minimalist sofas and carpets of the same color, to add a lazy and comfortable halo to the pure monochrome space.
客厅与厨房融为一体,彼此连接,空间与空间交织共生。整个公区的动线都被重新梳理,松弛呈现客餐厅开敞廓落的尺度。The living room and kitchen are integrated and connected to each other, interweaving and coexisting in space. The entire public area's flow has been reorganized, presenting a relaxed and open scale of dining rooms.
餐厨区 / Kitchen area——
餐厅被围合于室,用餐与烹饪零距离直达。洄游动线使得烹饪无边游刃有余,一个有体量的餐桌同时方便孩子读书或是伴侣办公,公共区域无边联结。The restaurant is enclosed in a room, providing direct access to dining and cooking. The migratory flow line makes cooking effortless, with a spacious dining table that is convenient for children to read or for their partners to work, and the public areas are seamlessly connected.
主卧 / Master bedroom——
黑与白相互穿插,不浓不淡,两种气质施放以达平衡。深色床品和柜体墙裙点缀其间,一室尽是温柔,在宁静恬淡中散发出温度。Black and white interweave, neither too strong nor too weak, creating a balance between the two temperaments. Dark bedding and cabinet wall skirts adorn the room, creating a gentle atmosphere that exudes warmth in tranquility and tranquility.