联合国粮农组织木材委员会主席Branko ·Glavonjic
Ladies and gentlemen!
I’m being very honoured and it is my pleasure to greet you personally, as well as on behalf of the Timber Committee of UN Organisation, as its Vice Chairman. In the same time, I would like to thank organizational committee for invitation to participate at Expo this year. I’m pleasured to meet most of you and receive new experiences and contacts.
This huge number of domestic and foreign participants, excellent promotion and good organisation promise, that Expo of this year will be successful, like the last one. The importance of Expo is very big for all of us,having in mind the force of the economic crisis,which is in many countries of the world,especially those countries,which represent main expresent main export markets for your products.
This year’s Expo will show on ,how much the crisis decreased and which season could be expected.In that sense,the huge number of guests and lecturers at this year’s Expo is a good opportunity for presentation of the accrual situation,in terms of wooden doors demand in some regions of the world,as well as estimations for 2012.I’m being sure,that this will be very useful for all of you.
I am coming from the region of South-eastern Europe,one of the regions,in which the economic crisis hasn’t too much influenced on wooden doors demand.Namely ,comparing with the Western European region,where this demand has been decreased dramatically,in the last three years in South-eastern Europe it has been realized mild increase of wooden doors demand,and estimations for 2012 and 2013 show that this trend is continuing.Besides that,this Region imports interior wooden doors in the annual value of 150 million USD and China is its most important partner.
At the end,with best wishes that this year’s EXPO brings new business results,I am heartily greeting you all!
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